What We Do

The Leadership Center for Attorneys General Studies focuses on the work of Attorneys General and the impact their offices have on communities. By conducting original research, analyzing AG actions, and educating key stakeholders, the Leadership Center for Attorneys General Studies hopes to better inform the public on the importance of state AG.

The states, US territories, and the District of Columbia have an elected or appointed attorney general (AG). The state, territory, or DC AG is usually the chief law enforcement and/or chief legal officer for the state. While each state grants their AG different powers and responsibilities, AGs generally act with common purpose. AGs represent their state in lawsuits, act as consumer advocates, and enforce certain state laws.

AGs are elected by the voters in 44 states, and the District of Columbia. They are appointed by the state’s governor in six states. The AG is elected by the state legislature in Maine.

The Leadership Center for Attorney General Studies focuses on the work of attorneys general and provides resources and educational materials in support of progressive policies.

As the chief law enforcement and/or legal officers in their states, attorneys general play a vital role in advancing progressive policies and laws. The Leadership Center for Attorney General Studies tracks the actions of AGs on policies, including:

  • Climate
  • Consumer Protection
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Education & Justice
  • Gun Safety
  • Health Care
  • Immigration
  • Labor
  • Law Enforcement
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Voting Rights & Democracy Protection
  • Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)