Consumer Protection

Consumers should be safeguarded against dangerous products and deceptive business practices.

Attorneys general are often the top consumer watchdogs in their states. Their consumer protection divisions review complaints against individuals, businesses and organizations that engage in deceptive or fraudulent behavior. Attorneys general protect consumers harmed by dishonest business practices, borrowers misled by predatory lenders, and students deceived by predatory for-profit colleges. They prosecute collection agencies that skirt state laws and banks that fail to follow state mortgage rules. They recover millions of dollars each year for consumers and taxpayers.

The attorney general’s role in protecting consumers has become even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Attorneys general safeguard the public from those who take advantage of misinformation and anxiety during a crisis. Many attorneys general have taken actions against scammers and established COVID-19 information websites to help consumers find accurate information. Attorneys general also ensure that the federal government plays by the rules and enforces federal laws meant to shield consumers.