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  • State Attorneys General Play Pivotal Role in Protecting Democracy

    Published: June 5, 2024 Read more
  • The Role of State Attorneys General in Protecting Elections From Interference Through Artificial Intelligence and Robocalls

    Published: April 16, 2024

    Rapid advancement and public availability of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have spurred both federal and state officials to develop policies governing its use, including in the realm of elections. In a highly contested presidential election year such as 2024, exploitation of technology to produce “deep fake” media poses grave risks of deceiving voters and impacting the outcome of elections through deception. While authorities are moving quickly to fill the policy gap, state Attorneys General are using legal tools both old and new to protect the public and election processes against nefarious actors seeking to deceive voters.

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  • State Attorneys General Specialized Reproductive Rights Units

    Published: March 18, 2024

    Reproductive Rights Units prioritize protecting and expanding access to reproductive healthcare, addressing disparities in maternal health, combating misinformation and disinformation that hinder access to care, and collaborating across state borders to counter national challenges to reproductive rights.

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  • The Role of State Attorneys General in Protecting Safe Access to Abortion Clinics

    Published: March 18, 2024

    State attorneys general who seek to uphold the law to ensure access to medical care, including abortion services, have undertaken a range of measures to safeguard facilities, patients, and clinic staff from intimidation, harassment, and violence.

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  • Attorneys General and Emergency Contraception for Rape Survivors

    Published: March 18, 2024

    Emergency contraception is an important component of medical care for rape survivors, and state attorneys general play a key role in ensuring that survivors can access this medication.

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